The GNFS as per its mandate has done 9,997 fire education outreach programs and 4,349 fires Audits/inspections Nationwide in 2019. This notwithstanding, thousands of certificates have been issued both new and renewal.
This assertion is false and the above is indicative enough to say there are several interventions measures put fire safety management is a shared responsibility of which all stakeholders should do their part to achieve this goal.
This safety Audits/inspectors involved market, lorry station, gas and fuel stations, churches, mosque, social groups, garages, farming and fishing communities, schools, medical facilities, restaurants, pubs, night clubs, hotel, hostels, guess house departments, agencies, offices, banks, financial institutions, official residences, power generation plants, production centers, factory’s etc.
Generally, places where there is high occupancy or a commercial place as per Act537L1724.
It is important to know that we look out the following: Early fire warning and detection system, hose reels, emergency entry and exist, assembling points, force of water for firefighting, sprinklers, rises, extinguishers etc. This is done yearly to ensure that they are updated. The presence of this installation qualifies premises for a fire certificate. With the outreach programs it creates the awareness and also sensitizes the public on the do’s and don’ts of fire safety as per our mandate. We have challenges and this rendering our efforts not noticeable. We lack the necessary logistics to cover wide areas in the country, especially the new regions.
We need vehicles, fire engines, person protection clothing etc. to work and make our presence much felt. We therefore call on not only government but philanthropist, NGOs institutions to come to our aid in order to meet our statutory mandate and also win public support. We are committed to achieving our mandate so regardless of our challenges, we have been able to douse the most difficult fires despites the long duration as several billions worth of property and life have been saved.
By the kind courtesy of Safety Department of Ghana National Fire Service